When you plan to buy web hosting, what variables do you consider to select an appropriate one? What is your expectation, and what do you find in reality? I will try to figure out these in my SiteGround review article.
Expectation Vs. Reality
There are plenty of web hosting companies in the world. Every web hosting has different features that attract a customer. For example, some companies offer a reasonable price, better storage, or unique featured businesses focused on e-commerce and server locations.
You cannot find all the unique features in one hosting package. But SiteGround solves all these issues and does so nicely.
SiteGround was established in Bulgaria in the year 2004. It is a privately owned company. Their data center is in Chicago, London, Amsterdam, and Singapore. They also have an office in Madrid, Spain. Recently data center has been added in Australia and Sydney for ultrafast connectivity.
SiteGround offers a reasonable number of hosting types at an affordable price, plenty of boosting tools, and excellent customer service. It is a superior web hosting service for small businesses and individuals.
Hosting Services
SiteGround offers several hosting services, including Shared hosting, WordPress hosting, Cloud hosting, Dedicated plan hosting, etc.
Here, I will point out more SiteGround hosting services for you. These are as follows:
Solutions for speedy website building
Trouble-free effortless website transfer
Solution for complete eCommerce.
Experience in free installation of the shopping cart of your preference.
Also, bundle for Magento, WooCommerce, OpenCart, or Presta Shop and add free features such as SSL and daily backups. Customers benefit from SiteGround’s rock-solid server and free Cloudflare CDNs and SSL certificates.
Managed cloud hosting that grants resources, fully controlled service, and easily hosts your clients to get your business site to the next height.
As an alternative to offering ready-made plans, services, and bundles, custom-made enterprise hosting is constructed for you and made by SiteGround.
Additionally, you can host your domain with SiteGround. Domain name services are for every SiteGround customer.
For more detailed information about SiteGround Hosting Services-
Pricing Policy
There are three shared hosting plans for SiteGround. These are Startup, GrowBig, and GoGeek. The price range starts from $6.99/per month to $14.99 /per month.
Every plan is designed to focus on users’ needs in a different segment. For example, Startup is perfect for single small to medium-sized websites. On the other hand, GrowGig is suitable for more than one website user, and GoGeek is designed for agencies.
The pricing policy is fair if you consider loading speed and other services. More services are standard or common for all three users: Unlimited Traffic, SSL Certificate Free, CDNfree, Free Email, Backup up benefit, Managed WordPress, Unlimited Database, Match 100% Renewable Energy, and Money Back Guarantee for 30 days.
If you choose GrowBig and GoGeek, then you will get more services added. Such as On-demand Backup Copies, Speed-boosting Caching, Staging, adding Collaborators, etc.
Hosting Signup Process
The SiteGround signup process is so easy and hassle-free. Just follow the
steps 1 to 3 screenshots given below. And you are done!
Step 1: Select a Hosting Plan
There are three plans, and you can sign up for which one fits your requirements.
- The StartUp plan is a good choice, with only one website.
- The GrowBig plan is the best seller, including the option for multiple websites and the SiteGround SuperCacher that speeds up websites.
- The GoGeek plan can fulfill the needs of e-commerce and heavy-duty websites because they need more server resources and GIT integration.

Step 2: Choose a Domain Name
Siteground offers a wide range of new domain registrations and extensions at attractive prices.

Step 3: Review and Complete the Order
You can choose a hosting period and extra services at this stage. Usually, 12 12-month hosting period comes up with the best deal. You can review your hosting plan, domain issue, and hosting time length and go through with a simple payment option. Finally, it’s done.

Good uptime in testing
Monthly and annual hosting plans
Free SSL certificate with all plans
Many valuable free services included
Let customers choose server locations
Excellent customer service
The price is slightly higher than other hosting companies like Bluehost and A2 Hostings.
Higher price for renewal
Does not offer a free domain name
Customer Support
SiteGround focus is on customer service. They proudly and happily support the customer, making themselves unique for their outstanding customer support and service.
If you test SiteGround’s online chat, you will be amazed at how quickly support team member responds to your assistance. You will be linked to a chat representative in a few seconds.
Here briefly describe the way the SiteGroung support team provides the service.
24/7 live chat, ticketing, and phone support.
Support team response within a maximum of 10 minutes localized from nine territories.
The support team is amazingly good at offering quick, helpful,
knowledgeable support to their customers
SiteGround phone and live chat response times are more or less instant
Besides these, they have a massive collection of knowledge-base articles with videos, tutorials, screenshots, and guides.
Website uptime is a vital feature of a hosting service. SiteGround’s average Uptime in this ground is 99.992%, which is excellent.
Server Response Time
SiteGround Server Response time is exceptionally rapid as the website’s contents, including high-resolution images, load quickly. It has a significant impact on page load time.
SiteGround Review: Are they the right fit for you?
SiteGround is a rock-solid web hosting service provider. If you plan to buy web hosting for your website and look for unique features like uptime service, the best customer support, good speed, and a highly technical capability-based hosting provider head over to SiteGround.
Please Read Cloudways Vs SiteGround
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SiteGround Review Updates
18/12/2020-First Review
22/12/2020- Pricing Policy
28/12/2020-Customer Service Updated
Hi Ataur, Thank you very much for your deep detail service review about siteground. Compare to other hosting providers they come up with good features. Already I pickup their growbig hosting plan for my 3 individual websites. Keep reviewing mate.
Hi Khyrul,
Thanks for your valuable comment. I appreciate that.
As you are using the SiteGround GrowBig Hosting plan, please share your experience with us about SiteGround.